2022년 김연수 회장 신년사 신문기사

PUAC Toronto
2022-01-01 03:20


“코로나 올해에는 끝날 것”

주요인사들이 새해 행복을 빕니다


To our dear Korean and Canadian friends,

Each New Year traditionally starts with a wish for the year ahead. Ours is this: that this Year of the Black Tiger becomes known as the one that finally spells the end of the Korean War and the start of lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.

Tigers represent resilience, strength, and wisdom. In that spirit, we would like to acknowledge those of you who have given so much of yourselves in the past year to help us make progress towards this dream. We are deeply grateful for your support.

The brilliant spirit of the Republic of Korean has captivated the world through K-pop and K-drama. It now needs to do the same with a K-peace, a model for the peace-building process.

Declaring a formal end to the Korean War, as a start, would allow millions of people to begin to heal from the pain and trauma of warfare and the separation of families. It would also put all of us on the path to peace and economic prosperity, ushering in the start of a fresh new era.

After all, the British and the French were once at war in Canada, yet their descendants have worked together for over 150 years to make this young country a global force.

So let’s greet this new year with hearts filled with hope, and determination as fierce as that of the roaring Korean tiger that once prowled the Baekdudaegan mountains, across the Korean peninsula, and far beyond.

In the coming year, we at the Peaceful Unification Advisory Council, Toronto Chapter, will work hard to make our New Year’s wish a reality, with passion and with determination. Please stand alongside us as we try and bring about meaningful change.

On an individual basis, we sincerely wish each and every one of you the health of a brave black tiger and much good fortune in 2022.

President Kim Yeon Soo, on behalf of all members under Peaceful Unification Advisory Council – Toronto Chapter

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